We had a full meeting at the Coffee House this last Monday, and there is a full calendar of writing-related events coming up. Be sure to check the calendar for information about upcoming meetings and events.
Next Monday, January 13th, Lauren Tallman is speaking to the group. CJ Mun will be speaking at the January 27th meeting.
I am retiring as newsletter editor. I’ve very much enjoyed writing the newsletter this past year and a half. Thank you all for making a great group and join me in welcoming Andres Fragoso as our new newsletter editor.
Our conference is coming up soon. Don’t forget to register before the price increase on January 16th. Members receive a $25 discount on the price of the conference. Also, don’t forget to donate to share the word about our raffle and advertising in the program at the conference.
Congratulations and a BIG thank you to Tina Willis for all the work she has been doing putting up ads for our Writer’s Conference.
Congratulations to Henry Schmidt on his recent book release, “A life of Dreams and Memories.”
Congratulations to Amanda Skenadore on being a finalist in Pitch Wars and receiving great feedback on her manuscript from her mentor, Heather Webb.
Quote of the Night:
Writing Quote:
Interview with Lauren Tallman
I’ve always appreciated your comments during our critique sessions and looked to you as one of the core members of the group. If I’m not mistaken, you have two books out: “How to have an affair and not get caught” and “The Erotic Tales of Remi.” Tell me about how you got into writing, and what inspired your books?
First, the affair book has been out for a while, but the erotic story is not published yet. It’s in its – oh please let it be the last! – stage of editing
I’d always written short stories. When we lived in Israel I found an English speakers’ writing group, I figured it would be great fun. That was until I heard them read! I couldn’t imagine myself writing on their level!
Besides reading our own material, we were given assignments, such as writing a story in 12 words, writing in another genre, or – right there and then – writing a story in 3 minutes about a random picture. The challenges brought out a side to my imagination that I never knew existed! It was fantastic! It was in this group that I found I had a voice. Writing is almost hypnotism. I could make them feel the chill of winds penetrating their clothes in a storm, or rub the oil on their fingers after touching a cookie, all through my words. I loved it, still do.
At the time, I had the amateurish basics of “The Erotic Tales of Renni” and was asked to read some of it. Can you believe I was too embarrassed! One woman offered to read a section. I learned then that hearing it out loud gives you a whole new perspective. I also remember thinking, “Damn! It’s better than I thought!”
Later I challenged myself to write an article. Going for the funny, and thinking the title would catch any eye, I wrote “How To Have An Affair and Not Get Caught.” That night, I wrote, and wrote, and after hours of typing, I called out to my husband and said, “I think I have a book!”
My husband once said, “Watch people, they give themselves away.” Through the years, it wasn’t difficult to see mistakes friends made by dodging questions and telling flimsy white lies. It all came flooding onto the screen.
Since it was a ‘how to’ book, it was a matter of gathering addition information, categorizing it, and then getting it down.
I asked friends about affairs and they trusted me with very personal experiences. Some were so reckless, I realized they needed all the help they could get!
You write under a pen-name. Would you choose to use a pen-name anyway or do you write with a pen-name because you write erotica?
I chose the pen-name for two reasons. First, at the time I wrote “How To Have An Affair and Not Get Caught” my children were still at an age where friends (or foes) could tease them. “Hey! I heard what your mom writes!” I didn’t want it to affect them. Though…I found out later they didn’t care! They thought it was a hoot! The second reason is how the name was derived. I figured, anyone knowing me well enough would think, “Ah! She used Lauren because… Right, Tallman comes from…!” And no, I’m not telling!
You speak both Hebrew and English. Do you consider yourself more fluent in one or the other? Do you write in both languages or exclusively in English?
Judy Logan says
Thanks, Jenny for faithful service and wonderful newsletters. You’ll be missed.
I know that Andres will do a good job, too. Welcome Andres.
Andres Fragoso says
Thank you Judy. I know I can not fill in Jenny’s shoe and I promise to do my best to be half as good as her. Which me luck.
Darlien Breeze says
First let me say thanks, Jenny you have done a wonderful job. Second , welcome Andres I look foreword to reading the newsletter under your guidance. I know you’ll be great.
I loved this interview it proves, once again that Lauren is a fun and interesting person.